

Alice to Zouroku

The fantasy story begins with a group of young girls who hold a power named "Alice's Dream," which allows them to make their imaginations come true. These girls have been locked up and treated as research subjects. Sana, one of these girls whose specific power includes the ability ignore the laws of physics and physically manifest anything she can imagine, has escaped. Afterwards, she meets an old man named Zouroku, who dislikes disruptions in his everyday life.

(Source: Anime News Network)

Note: The first episode aired with a runtime of ~44 minutes as opposed to the standard 25 minute long episode.

English titleAlice & Zoroku
Native titleアリスと蔵六
Released onSPRING, 2017
GenresAction, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Release info

68% of watchers like it
