

Hirano to Kagiura

Hirano to Kagiura is being adapted as an accompanying animated short with the Sasaki to Miyano: Sotsugyou-hen movie.

Hirano, a second-year in high school, lives in a dormitory on his campus and has recently become roommates with Kagiura, a first-year. Kagiura is a hard-working student on the basketball team, though he does have difficulty getting up in the morning, leaving Hirano to be his support system in that regard. They get along great, and Hirano is very fond of his earnest, straight-forward roommate. What he doesn’t know? Kagiura is pretty much head over heels in love with him.

English title
Native title平野と鍵浦
Released onWINTER, 2023
GenresComedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Release info

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